Friday, 8 July 2011

God's Love letter to you!

God's Love Letters to you By Larry Crabb!

Hey folks! How you doing so this week I was sent my first book to review and this was it! 

God's Love Letters to you is a 40 Day devotional experience. Each day has a letter written as if it is from God to you! The first 20 being taken from scriptures in the old testament and the second 20 devotions taken from the New testament! Each letter starts off with a scripture and then a letter from God. Then after you have read the letter there is a little part called 'Take a moment to reflect' where there are a few questions for the reader about what they have just read, how it speaks to them and how it could apply to their own life circumstances etc..  each days questions are different and thought provoking. Finally at the end is a part called 'Take a moment to pray' where there is a prayer for the reader to read and pray. This happens for each of the 40 days.

God's Love Letters to you is a great devotional and I would highly recommend it! Its easy to read, simple and thought provoking. This book covers some good issues and made me see that its about deepening my relationship with him that matters. It has some profound statements in it that really stand out and speak to your heart.

Its a great accompany to your daily bible reading and has made me want to read Larry Crabbs other book 66 Love letters! 

you can buy/view this at

Thanks for reading!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com, book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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