Friday, 22 June 2012


This is the book I've been reading lately When heaven invades earth by Bill Johnson, I have felt so challenged and inspired! 

The book really captures that idea that if it exists in heaven we should have it here on earth like health, healing, peace, joy etc and if it doesn't exist in heaven we should not accept it here on earth or in our lives for that matter like fear, sickness, doubt, anxiety etc..That we should be passionate about living the life thats heavenly bringing heaven to earth in our communities and accepting nothing less! 

The book is full of AMAZING quotes that just felt like they literally jumped right of the page at me I was encouraged, inspired and like wow I often stopped my husband from whatever he was doing and was like ' can I just read this one to you?'!!!! :) so Ive compiled a selection of quotes that I found inspiring from this book if you get the chance read this book its brilliant can't recommend it enough!

On worship - 
"worship is our number one priority in ministry everything else we do is to be affected by our devotion to this call. He inhabits our praises" Bill Johnson 

On the Lords Prayer - 
Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
"This is the Primary focus for all prayer, if it exists in heaven, it is to be loosed on earth!" Bill Johnson

On loving people - 
"Loving people is Christ's agenda, and surrender of my own agenda makes me available for his!" Bill Johnson

On the condition of our hearts - 
"The same sun that melts the ice hardens the clay,similarly a work of God can bring about two completely different responses depending on the condition of the hearts of people!" Bill Johnson

On knowing God - 
"Nothing thrills the heart more than knowing God. He is limitless in power. He is for us and not against us, and is big enough to make up for our smallness" Bill Johnson

On giving out the presence of God - 
"He is in me for my sake, He is upon me for yours!" Bill Johnson

"Give away what you have received (as the bible says) Freely you have received, freely give! When you go into a house...let your peace come upon it " Bill Johnson 

"He looks for those willing to be smeared with him, allowing his presence to affect others for good!" Bill Johnson

On angels - 
" I believe angels have been bored because we live the kind of lifestyle that doesn't require much of their help. Their assignment is to assist us in supernatural endeavours. If we are not people of Risk then there is little room for the supernatural. Risks must be taken to peruse solutions to impossible situations. When the church regains its appetite for the impossible, the angels will increase their activities among men" Bill Johnson

On Signs and Wonders - 
"Tongues of fire were seen on the heads of the apostles on the day of pentecost. In more modern times fire has been seen blazing from the top of church buildings when the people of  God are gathered together in his name. At the Azuza street revival the fire department was called to extinguish a blaze only to discover that the people inside were worshipping Jesus. Water couldn't put it out as it wasn't a natural fire!" Bill Johnson

On Warring to Invade - 
"The Real christian is a royal fighter. He is the one who loves to enter into the contest with his whole soul and take the situations captive for Jesus Christ" Bill Johnson

On Fear - 
"When we refuse fear, the enemy becomes terrified. A confident heart is a sure sign of his ultimate destruction and our present victory - Do not fear - ever!" Bill Johnson

On the church
"I was not left on planet earth to be hiding waiting for Jesus's return. I am here as a military representative of heaven. The church is on the attack. Thats why the gates of hell, the place of demonic government and strength WILL NOT PREVAIL against the church" Bill Johnson

On Church order - 
"Messes are necessary for increase" Bill Johnson
"There is a big difference between graveyards and nurseries, one has perfect order the other has life!" Bill Johnson

These are just a few of the inspiring quotes in this book its full of amazing testimonies of healing I haven't put too many so you will be as excited as I was when you read it! This book is life changing stuff get a copy as soon as you can! 

Thanks for reading! Lots of love x

1 comment:

  1. I am reading this book too. Did you see anything in this book that you didn't think was theologically sound? Why do you think what Johnson is encouraging is so un-normal to so many of us? Has the book pushed you to new actions?
